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Marketing Planning & Consulting
for Any Industry or Need

Welcome to our team! Two happy young wom
Our Approach - Helpful, Reliable and No Pressure!

We understand!  You are an expert at running your day-to-day business.  That may be an expert manufacturer, electrician, roofer, builder, or even Chamber of Commerce.  But how do you find time to become an expert marketer for your business or organization?  In most cases, the answer is "You just can't".  There may not be enough time in your day or it just may not be the thing you can learn and master quickly.


That is where we at Trigger-Switch Marketing come in.  We have over twenty-one years of corporate marketing experience in the following:

  • Business to Consumer (B2C) Product Marketing

  • Business to Consumer (B2C) Service Marketing

  • Business to Business (B2B) Product Marketing

  • Business to Business (B2B) Service Marketing

  • Email database management and email campaigns

  • Retail box packaging and store displays

  • Outdoor signage and vehicle graphics

  • Trade show booth design, displays, sales materials PLUS pre and post show email and mail campaigns to trade show lists

  • Lead generation campaigns and programs

  • Catalog, brochure and flyer design with an emphasis on supporting the sales conversation and overcoming objections

  • Market research and planning

  • Marketing budget creation and monitoring

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So Here is the Deal ...

You would think that our goal is to talk you into paying us to assist you with or manage as many of the items listed above as possible.  That is NOT the case!


Our goal is to sit down with you and really get to know your business, see where opportunities are for driving growth in consumer awareness, interest, education and ultimately new and repeated sales.  We want to do a thorough analysis and provide you a plan or options that bring you on as a new client partner.  We also want to be realistic in what you can afford now and where you want your business to grow in the near and distant future. Our favorite moments in business have been when we have seen our clients grow to the point they can afford new vehicles or equipment, grow into a new building that they own instead of lease, and grow so that they can hire new employees and promote the ones that have stuck with them.  These things are good and noble and this is what drives us to be a worthwhile part of that experience!


We want to take a real look at your past and current marketing and advertising tools and efforts.  We DON'T want to tell you that what you have been doing has been missing out on huge sales and you should spend money with us for a big effort.  What good is it if we talk you into a big (for you) project or expense if it makes it difficult for you to operate your business and then proves to not be as effective as we promise. What we will do is give you good, viable, affordable options and marketing tools driven by real-world experience and success.


We know there are a LOT of marketing consultants and agency account managers who approach working with a client on the aspect of "let's see how much we can talk them into or upsell on adding additional costs along the way".  They also may have the approach of "let's sell them on the analysis and recommendations but leave them to fend for themselves on figuring out how to make all that happen!"  Believe us, we have been on the receiving end of that for 15 years as the corporate client and we just can't stomach that kind of approach.  We have never called Trigger-Switch an agency for that very reason.  We are a long term marketing partner instead.


"We stand by our approach by making the first meeting absolutely FREE.  We will be honest and straight with you and if something is risky, we will tell you that up front."


We have actually met with clients over the years and the end answer for a few of them has been "you don't need to spend $2,000 to $5,000 on a new website, online store, or big advertising campaign right now".  We have told them what they could do for free or very low cost on their own to drive real sales for the next year or two and as the business grows, here are the points where it makes sense to bring us in.  We want you to succeed more than we want to profit from your company.  Is that risky for us?  Of course it is.  But we believe our reputation and customer experiences will lead to new business referrals and help us keep our clients longer as more of a partner than a paycheck!  Of course, we want to be paid for our time, but that time needs to drive real sales for you or we aren't worth hiring in the first place.

So the question is, are you ready?

Are you ready to start the conversation and a real look at your business from a highly trained marketing expert that won't be judgmental and won't be wholly focused on selling you on some fancy, patented program of success?  Are you instead ready to talk to someone who will be real with you and help you determine both a short term and long term customized path for growth and success while letting you do as much of the work yourself as you are comfortable to help you save money?  We are your partner, your coach, and your cheerleader.  We are also your designer or project manager for marketing tools and programs where needed.  We are your realistic eyes on what steps should be made because this isn't our first rodeo.  Our years of experience both in corporate and in working with tons of small business and Chamber of Commerce clients since 2014 can give you the edge that you wouldn't have otherwise and prevent you from mistakes and failures that we have seen before.


Now, if you are ready, give us a call at 918-268-8555, send us a text at 918-855-6292, or fill out the Contact Us form below. 

We guarantee we will work with your schedule and even come to your business location to meet.  We can even meet on some evenings if that is better for you.  It's time to move your business forward and we are here to help in any way we can.


Scott Roy

President & Executive Consultant

Trigger-Switch Marketing


Office:   918-268-8555

Mobile:  918-855-6292

Address: 9444 E 580 Rd, Catoosa, OK 74015

Send Email - CLICK HERE

Trigger-Switch travels to the following areas.  Other areas served online.



Broken Arrow





Sand Springs














Locust Grove












© 2024 Trigger-Switch Marketing Services, LLC

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